These drawings are simply the drawings of a female who drew every few minutes after taking her first LSD trip. The effects start to kick in and gradually become more visible and eventually leave out and fade. The timing of each photo is put below it and they are in time order:
Before any noticeable effect |
| « Are you feeling anything? | - Nope. | - Those are some bright colors ! | - Yeah. That's probably gonna get worse. » |
That was a good idea, buying coloured pencils |
I didn't draw the eyes. Do you want me to draw the eyes? I don't feel like drawing the eyes |
| « Here you go. I'm violet. » |
| Later: « Usually, I draw the eyes at the very end, because I don't want the picture to look at me while I'm drawing it. Here, I didn't want the picture to look at me at all. » |
After 45 minutes in the dark, listening to some Pink Floyd, she started to draw again |
She didn't seem quite satisfied with the last one, so she directly started this one: « During the previous one, I tried to draw what was inside my head, but in the middle of it, things were happening outside my head instead |
While the effects were disappearing |